InfoSec Global is an international cybersecurity company specializing in cryptography. ISG delivers next-generation enterprise-grade solutions allowing organizations to manage their cryptography from discovering vulnerabilities to updating cryptographic keys and certificates. ISG’s expertise and products enable governments and enterprises to future-proof their digital safety and achieve compliance with cryptographic regulations worldwide

Reduce risk by identifying and resolving crypto vulnerabilitiesAdd block

Comply with data protection regulations and evolving crypto standards

Automate expensive and manual cryptographic processes.Add block

Enable long-life systems to seamlessly transition to quantum-safety.
The Value of Analytics
Companies use cryptography as the core security foundation in financial transactions, distributed blockchains, IoT communications, and digital identities. Nevertheless, deployed crypto is static and weak, therefore introducing the risk of data breaches. It is essential to highlight that even the safest companies can have blind spots and be vulnerable to crypto attacks
Crypto Analytics, the end-to-end crypto vulnerability management solution scans all of your crypto, pro-actively builds a crypto inventory, uncovers hidden vulnerabilities and verifies compliance
Problems we solve

Comply with Data Protection Regulations
Many data protection regulations and legislation requires organizations to ensure the data they are storing is adequately protected. Crypto Analytics continually enhances regulatory compliance and reduces cyber risk

Detect and Mitigate Crypto Threats
Knowing what crypto resides inside your enterprise can be difficult. Crypto Analytics provides visibility to discover crypto risks and prevent unanticipated downtime with minimal effort

Assess Post-Quantum Readiness
Crypto Analytics helps keep you updated on the latest cryptographic enhancements, ensuring up-to-date encryption, without having a huge burden fall on your shoulders

All of your running and filed algorithm risks rated in one inventory

Certificates across your digital ecosystem visible and prioritized

See complete libraries and their health

Keys and Key Stores
One place for all your key management needs