Enable your Team
Train your team with the latest methods, hardware, and software systems used in digital forensics today to access computers, laptops, and mobile devices
Chip Off Training
Advance chip-off training allows you to perform forensics on BGA memory chips on mobile devices. This technical course provides students with the technical know how allowing them to:
- Remove BGA chips from devices
- Handle the chip to be read
- Apply tools to decode the data
- Live practical example of mobile phone
- Use forensics software to receive the data
- Learn fundamental of memory structure
JTAG Forensics
JTAG(Joint Test Action Group) Forensics is data acquisition process that is achieved by connecting to Test Access Ports(TAPs) on mobile devices whereby a trained individual can pull raw data stored on the memory chips and later analyze it use advanced tools, in this course learn how to:
- Use JTAG technique to recover data
- Learn how to access locked or damagd phones
- Disassembly and assembly of devices
- Solder your own connections to devices
- Idenntify TAPs
- Use scripts to recover pin locks
- Use commercial looks with JTAG dumps
Entities, Government organizations, and forensics service providers are establishing in house digital forensics team to manage internal incidents to be inline with their respective information security policies. Anytech can help you employees get the necessary training that would enable you team to acquire and anlyze forensics data and present it as digital evidence as per the international standards. Contact our experts and request a cost free consultation to find out whats the right level of training course for you.
Computer Data Acquisition
Data acquisition is the first stage of didgital forensic that you need to master before inspecting the data within. The market offers a wide variety of data acquisition sysems that are used for commercial reasons such disk cloning and forensics. Anytech has partnered with the leading disk acquisition system providers ensuring that your training using the best of breed technology. This technical course provides students withe the technical know how allowing them to:
- Learn about disk, drives, their composition and how they are partitioned
- Learn how data is stored and accessed
- Acquire data from different devices
- Acquire devices using different connections
- Acquire deleted data
- Apply international data acquisition standards to be presented in the court of law
Data Recover and Analytics
The second stage of forensics is inspecting the acquired data. This course takes a technical dive into how data is analyzed covering.
- Mount acquired data to forensics systems
- Use software tools to view the data
- Access deleted data
- Apply international data analysis methodology
- How to create a case file and to manage the results
- Calculate MD5 sum of acquired data